Facebook Facebook Twitter and Facebook LOL

It makes me giggle a little bit really. I have created several facebook groups, pages, events – for ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’. Every time I update any of them, I need to share to each page, group, event and then it also goes to Twitter too. My apologies to anyone receiving multiple messages messages messages.

So, we put the book online on May 9th, 2012. It has quickly risen into the TOP 100 of all the 40,000 books on the site. Pretty amazing. 

I hope the book is enjoyable to everyone. I know some have had some questions about Chapter 0. Rest assured it will all come together in bits through the story. Just like any good book (and yes I am going to say this is a good book, my husband is amazing to me) it will keep you interested and hanging on for more.

All in all I would like to say thank you to everyone who believes in supporting David. He really enjoys writing. ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ is the first of several parts, perhaps an additional 2 books to the story.



184 Today!

I feel grateful for the success of this book thus far. I hope everyone knows just how grateful we are for all your support. 

‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ is rated #1 All-Time-Top-Ranked in the Young Adult genre. To me, this is just an amazing accomplishment. Humbled and grateful. Please click link below to see the book and rank and back it. Thank you very much!



A Week in Review June 5th

Tomorrow marks 4 weeks since we launched ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ on http://www.authonomy.com

We have had much support from the community and an astonishing push to rank #278 as of today.

The goal is to go to the top 5, but who knows what will come as a result of this story. The ride, so far, has been fascinating and it’s nice to simply have the work ‘out there’, so to speak.

If you would like to review, rate, back the book please go to http://authonomy.com/books/44035/the-life-inside-maggie-pincus/

I hope you enjoy the read. Ch. 11 is up on the site now…more to come this weekend.

Thank you everyone!


I have been launched with ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ on the authonomy.com website since May 11th. In that time, my ratings have gone up to 401. 3 weeks. Amazing ride I am on and so truly grateful.

Thank you to everyone for reading, rating, and backing this book. There is much more planned for Maggie Pincus’ future! Please stay tuned and I know you will not be disappointed! Well, I hope anyway 🙂


Movin’ On Up

As David works on what he loves (insert secret project) and eagerly awaits an agent to respond to queries, etc… so goes the Life Inside Maggie Pincus.

We brought her to the world May 11th, 2012. Her rankings on authonomy.com began in the 5,000 range…and she is now up to 814. I, the wife, am proud and honored to be witness and sharer of life with an amazing storyteller.

I was asked this week, “How did he come up with the Maggie Pincus story?” Well, I thought it was in his head from childhood. But, now I learn it was made up in his head over the course of long walks over many months….before ever putting ‘pen to paper’.

I hope you all enjoy the new description of the book on Authonomy. The cover is a temporary fix…created quickly in one evening, by Mr.Talent (aka David). Image

‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ by David I. Billingham Copyright 2012

‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ by David I. Billingham Copyright 2012

David’s book was listed one week ago yesterday on http://www.authonomy.com and on the home page, ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ has been put at #2 of top ranked books this week. Not exactly sure what it means for his success, but, I imagine it gives good exposure either way.

Yesterday, we had the top talent spotter on the site back the book. That was pretty neat to see and it feels like a true honor.

I, the good wife, have been busying myself with the whole process because I have always believed in David’s talent. I just think he’s amazing and perhaps, to some degree, I have been placed in his life to help bring more spotlight to his work.

I believe anyone with such talent has nothing to lose. So, why not go for it? The worst that could happen is that you put yourself ‘out there’. But, this is a positive thing as far as David’s concerned…because it’s such a pleasure to read his stories! 

Getting Started

I have started this blog/website for David I. Billingham (my husband) to keep everyone updated on the happenings of his work. Thank you for visiting.

If you like David’s work, please share it with others who you think might also enjoy it!

Works written/unpublished so far:

  • TOP SECRET children’s book (To be revealed at a later date). This one is near completion and has been illustrated and written by David.
  • ‘The Life Inside Maggie Pincus’ – posted on authonomy.com (we are asking for everyone to please rank and back the book on that site. We listed the first 8 chapters and will add more by the end of June. The better the ranking, the better the chances for David’s work to get noticed. Thanks for your help!
  • Other artwork and updates are displayed on David’s facebook page Billy’s Art and Writing Creations. Please join us!